Depression can affect people of all ages. Life changes can cause mental health issues for a once cheery senior. However, many of us fail to recognize the signs of depression in seniors. This post will explore these signs to help you identify depression in your older loved ones.
A key sign of depression in older adults is ongoing sadness. Occasional sadness is normal, but it could be an issue if they often seem down. You should also take notice if they talk about feeling hopeless or empty. Reach out to a mental health professional if the sadness lasts more than two weeks.
One red flag is a noticeable change in an older person’s interests or withdrawal from activities they once loved. If your loved one stops doing hobbies, skips events, or seems uninterested in life, it’s important to look into it. For instance, your parent might stop meeting up with friends or family. You might also notice they’ve stopped tending to their plants or other hobbies. These are all signs they might have depression issues.
Depression can affect a person’s appetite, leading to changes in weight. Watch for any sudden weight loss or gain in your older loved one. A quick drop in appetite or a big increase in how much they eat might suggest they’re struggling emotionally. Never ignore these changes because they can affect their overall health and well-being.
Constant tiredness and low energy can be signs of depression in older adults. Depression can leave someone feeling physically and emotionally drained. It could be a red flag if a senior often says they’re tired or seems uninterested in things they used to enjoy. For example, they might regularly use fatigue to skip activities they once loved.
Though death is part of life, it’s unhealthy for seniors to constantly focus on it. Some older adults may also regret or be guilty of things they didn’t accomplish, leading to feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness. If your elderly loved one often talks about death, it might be a sign to seek support.
You should watch for seniors frequently saying negative things about themselves. A negative view can make them feel like a burden, lose their sense of purpose, or feel isolated. If you notice this behavior, it’s important to seek help.
If you need a senior care center in Georgia, check out Dream Catcher. We offer seniors the services and amenities they need to live healthy and fulfilling lives. Contact our team, and we’ll happily answer your questions.
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